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New Compound Bow Models 2022 – List And Comparisons

Here is a list of the new compound bow models for 2022.

This table below includes target compound bows, field, bowhunting bows, 3D archery, bowfishing and youth bows.

New Compound Bow Models for 2022 list

We have listed well-known bow manufacturers and brands like; Hoyt, Bear Archery, Mathews, PSE Archery, Bowtech, Diamond, Martin Archery, Prime Archery, Darton and other brands.

In the data table you will find the brand, model, speed, draw length and draw weights. Also included is the axle to axle length of the compound bow and mass weight.


Table Abbreviations And Information.

To make the list easier to read, here are some acronyms, abbreviations and information that are used in the table.

*FPS = Feet Per Second

*ATA (Archery Trade Association.)

*I.B.O. (International Bowhunters Organization.)

*RTH = Ready To Hunt. Which depending on manufacturer, might include a bow quiver, bow sight and stabilizer.  (Arrows may not be included in the kit.)

*LD = Long Draw. Ideal for tall archers or archers with long limbs and draw lengths.

*SD = Short Draw. Suited for shorter draw lengths.

*U/K = Unknown                *N/A = Not Available

The draw weight listed will normally be the maximum poundage. As an example a compound that list 50, 60, 70 lbs. range, would be 40 – 50 lbs. for one model. 50 – 60 lbs. range for another. And 60 = 70 lbs. range for another. Most adult compound bows will have a 10 pound adjustable range.

With some beginner bows, the draw weight can have a wide range to fit growing archers and different size people. As an example the Diamond Archery Infinite bow, can range from 7 – 70 lbs. with one bow. Another example is the Bear Archery Legit Bow that can adjust from 10 – 70 lbs.

The majority of the bows listed are available in both left and right handed models.

(For beginners in archery, right handed is when you hold the bow in your left hand and draw the bowstring back with your right hand. Eye dominance should ideally determine what bow to choose, not hand dominance.)

Note – Please do not judge the bow solely by its F.P.S. rated speed, as feel, draw cycle, specs, sound, looks and grip can be a personal choice for the archer.

It is also hard to compare which is the fastest bow. As some bow manufactures go by ATA (Archery Trade Association.) The old AMO standards for testing the speed of the bow. Other bow manufacturers list the I.B.O. speed (International Bowhunters Organization.) method for measuring speed of their bows. Some brands like PSE Archery have both ratings listed.

Manufactures procedures and testing equipment can vary widely from one brand to another.

For the list of speed bows, click on – Fastest Compound Bow Models 2022

Youth Compound Bow Models

New Compound Bows 2022 List

BrandModelSpeed FPS IBOAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Athens ArcheryVista 3134031"24.5" - 30.5" 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6.5"4.2 lbs
Athens ArcheryVista 3333533"25." - 30" 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6.5"4.2 lbs
Athens ArcheryVista 3533035"25.5" - 31.5" 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6.5"4.4 lbs
Athens ArcheryPeak 38330.38"27.5" - 33.5"40, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 lbs7"U/K
BrandModelSpeed FPSAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Bear ArcheryRefine EKO34233"26.5" - 30.5"45-60 lbs, 55-70 lbs6 3/8"4.4 lbs
Bear ArcheryRedemption EKO34231"26" - 30"45-60 lbs, 55-70 lbs6.25"4.3 lbs
Bear ArcheryWhitetail Legend Pro33930"26" - 30"45-60 lbs, 55-70 lbs6.25"3.8 lbs
Bear ArcheryAlaskan33532"25.5" - 31"45-60 lbs, 55-70 lbs6.25"3.9 lbs
Bear ArcheryWhitetail Legend32031"23" - 30"45-60 lbs, 55-70 lbs6.75"4.3 lbs
Bear ArcheryEscalate33931"26" - 30"45-60 lbs, 55-70 lbs6.5"4.1 lbs
Bear ArcheryResurgence RTH33532"25.5" - 31"45-60 lbs, 55-70 lbs6.25"3.9 lbs
Bear ArcheryResurgence LD31032"25" - 32"45-60 lbs, 55-70 lbs7"3.9 lbs
Bear ArcheryParadox RTH33032"23.5" - 30.5"45-60 lbs, 55-70 lbs6.25"4.3 lbs
Bear ArcheryProwess RTH29029"23" - 28"35 - 50 lbs6.75"2.9 lbs
Bear ArcherySpecies EV RTH32030"23.5" - 30.5"45-60 lbs, 55-70 lbs6.75"3.8 lbs
Bear ArcherySpecial Edition Legit RTH31530"14" - 30"10 - 70 lbs6"3.8 lbs
Bear ArcheryLegit RTH31530"14" - 30"10 - 70 lbs6"3.8 lbs
Bear ArcheryLegit RTH Extra31530"14" - 30"10 - 70 lbs6"3.8 lbs
Bear ArcheryCruzer G2 RTH31530"12" - 30"5 - 70 lbs6.5"3.1 lbs
Bear ArcheryRoyale RTH29027"12" - 27"5 - 50 lbs6"2.7 lbs
Bear ArcheryRoyale RTH Extra29027"12" - 27"5 - 50 lbs6"2.7 lbs
Bear ArcheryRant RTH 31031.25"25" - 32"50 - 70 lbs7 5/8"4.5 lbs
Bear ArcheryLimitless RTH26528"19" - 29"25 - 50 lbs7"3.7 lbs
Bear ArcheryPathfinderN/A26"14" - 25"15 - 29 lbs7"3.7 lbs
Bear ArcheryBraveN/A26"13.5" - 19.5"15 - 25 lbs5.5"U/K
Bear ArcheryWarriorN/A24.5"19" - 25"24 - 29 lbs6.5 "U/K
Bear ArcherySucker Punch Pro RTFU/K31"17" - 29.5"20 - 50 lbs6 3/8"3 lbs
Bear ArcherySucker Punch RTF KitU/K32.25"17" - 31"15 - 50 lbs7.25"U/K
Bear ArcherySucker Punch JR.U/K27"12" - 27"U/K6"U/K
Bear ArcherySucker Punch U/K32.25"17" - 31"15 - 50 lbs7.25"3.2 lbs
Bear ArcheryShore Runner RTF Kit U/K31.5"17" - 29"50 lbs6.25"U/K
BrandModelSpeed FPSAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
BowtechSR3503503325" - 30" 50, 60, 70 lbs6"4.4 lbs
BowtechCP2833528"24.5" - 30" 50, 60, 70 lbs6.75"4.4 lbs
BowtechRevolt XL35033"27.5" - 33" 50, 60, 70 lbs6.625"4.5 lbs
BowtechRevolt XL34033"26" - 31" 80 lbs6.5"4.5 lbs
BowtechSolution3463225" - 30" 50, 60, 70 lbs6"4.3 lbs
BowtechSolution SS33230"25.5" - 31" 50, 60, 70 lbs7"4 lbs
BowtechSolution SD32330"23.5" - 28.5" 50, 60, 70 lbs7"3.9 lbs
BowtechEva Shockey Gen 232330"23.5" - 28.5" 40, 50, 60 lbs7"3.9 lbs
BowtechCarbon Zion33531"25.5" - 30.5" 50, 60, 70 lbs6.625"3.3 lbs
BowtechAmplify33531.5"21" - 30"8 - 70 lbs6"4 lbs
BowtechGuardian34030 3/4"25" - 31" 60, 70 lbs7.125"4.3 lbs
BowtechSpecialist 232238"23" - 32 1/2" 40, 50, 60 lbs7.125"4.5 lbs
BowtechReckoning33535"26" - 31" 50, 60, 70 lbs7"4.5 lbs
BowtechReckoning 3832538"27" - 32" 50, 60, 70 lbs7.125"4.9 lbs
BowtechCarbon Rose30230"22.5" - 27" 40, 50, 60 lbs7"3.2 lbs
BrandModelSpeed FPSAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Darton Archery2022 Cyclone330 - 3353027" - 30"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs7"4 lbs
Darton Archery2022 Cyclone SDU/K3024" - 28"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs7"4 lbs
Darton Archery2022 Maverick XT340 -34533"25" - 30.5"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs6"4.6 lbs
Darton Archery2022 Vegas E 3D325 - 33037 1/2"25.5" - 31"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs7"4.72 lbs
Darton Archery2022 Vegas - E T310 - 31538 1/2"26.5" - 32"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs7 7/8"4.8 lbs
Darton Archery2022 Tempest ET310 - 31537 1/4"26" - 31"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs7 5/16"5.2 lbs
Darton Archery2022 Tempest E 3D320 - 32536"25" - 30"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs7 5/16"5.1 lbs
Darton Archery2022 Tempest E - 3D / LD320 - 32535"26.5" - 33"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs6 7/8"5.2 lbs
Darton Archery2022 Spectra E330 - 33532"25.5" - 31"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs6 7/16"4.9 lbs
Darton Archery2022 Mentor DN/A32"23" - 28"25 - 40 lbs6 3/8"3.7 lbs
Darton Archery2022 Mentor EN/A32"24" - 29"35 - 50 lbs6 1/8"3.7 lbs
Darton ArcherySplashU/K28 1/2"23" - 29.5"35 - 50 lbs7"3.4 lbs
BrandModelSpeed FPSAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Diamond ArcheryEdge XT30031"19" - 31.5"20 - 70 lbs6.75"3.7 lbs
Diamond ArcheryDeploy SB33031.5"26" - 30.5" 50, 60, 70 lbs6.75"3.2 lbs
Diamond ArcheryCarbon Knockout30230"22.5" - 27" 40, 50, 60 lbs6.75"3.2 lbs
Diamond ArcheryEdge 32032032"15" - 31"7 - 70 lbs7.25"3.6 lbs
Diamond ArcheryInfinite 30530532"19" - 31"7 - 70 lbs7.25"3.3 lbs
Diamond ArcheryPrism29531"18" - 30"5 - 55 lbs7"3.2 lbs
Diamond ArcheryAtomic19124"12" - 24"6 - 29 lbs6"1.9 lbs
BrandModelSpeed FPS IBOAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Elite ArcheryEnvision33431"23.5" - 30.5"40, 50, 60, 70, 75 lbs6.875"4.45 lbs
Elite ArcheryTerrain32532.5"25.5" - 31.5"45 - 60 lbs, 55 - 70 lbs7"3.9 lbs
Elite ArcheryEnkore34033"23" - 30"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs6"4.55 lbs
Elite ArcheryRezult 3633036"23" - 30"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs6.8125"4.7 lbs
Elite ArcheryBasin31532.375"16 - 30"20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 lbs6.6875"3.9 lbs
Elite ArcheryEmber31031.25"15" - 29"10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 lbs6.25"3.6 lbs
Elite ArcheryRemedy33134"24" - 31"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs6.375"4.6 lbs
Elite ArcheryRezult 32537.75"24" - 31"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs7"4.3 lbs
BrandModelSpeed FPS (ATA)Axle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Hoyt ArcheryVentum Pro 3034230"25" - 28" 28.5" - 30"40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6"4.5 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryVentum Pro 3333433"26" - 29" 29.5 - 31"40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6 3/8"4.7 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryCarbon RX - 734230"25" - 28" 28.5" - 30" 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6.253.9 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryCarbon RX - 7 Ultra33434"27" - 30" 30.5" - 32" 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs7"4.3 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryTwin Turbo35033"25' - 28" 28.5"-30"40, 50, 60, 65, 70 lbs5 7/8"4.5 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryHighline34536 1/2"29" - 32" 32.5" - 34" 50, 60, 70 lbs7 7/8"4.9 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryEclipse31429"23.5" - 25.5" 26" - 28"30, 40, 50, 60 lbs6 3/4"3.7 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryTorrex32730 3/4"26" - 30"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs7"3.8 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryTorrex XT33630"25.5" - 30"40, 50, 60, 65, 70 lbs6"4 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryTorrex XT Long Draw33630"30" - 31"40, 50, 60, 65, 70 lbs7"4 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryInvicta 37 SVX33037 1/4"23.5" - 25.5" 26" - 27" 27.5" - 28.5" 29" - 30"40, 50, 55, 60, 70 lbs7"4.7 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryInvicta 37 DCX32437 1/2"24.5" - 26" 26.5" - 28" 28.5" - 30"40, 50, 55, 60, 70 lbs7 3/8"4.7 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryInvicta 40 SVX32540 1/4"27" - 28" 28.5" - 29.5" 30" - 31" 31.5" - 32"40, 50, 55, 60, 70 lbs7 1/4"4.9 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryInvicta 40 DCX31640 1/2"25.5" - 27" 27.5" - 29" 29.5" - 31"40, 50, 55, 60, 70 lbs7 5/8"4.9 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryAltus FX SVX33735 3/4"22.5 - 24.5" 25 - 26" 26.5 - 27.5" 28" - 29" 29.5" - 30" 40, 50, 55, 60, 70 lbs6 1/2"4.4 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryAltus FX DCX31835 3/4"23.5" - 25" 25.5" - 27" 27.5" - 29"40, 50, 55, 60, 70 lbs6 3/4"4.4 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryAltus DCX32238"24.5" - 26" 26.5" - 28" 28.5" - 30"40, 50, 55, 60, 70 lbs7 1/8"4.6 lbs
Hoyt ArcheryAltus SVX32838 1/4"22.5 - 24.5" 25 - 26" 26.5 - 27.5" 28" - 29" 29.5" - 30" 40, 50, 55, 60, 70 lbs6 7/8"4.6 lbs
BrandModelSpeed FPSAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Martin ArcheryLegend 73033537.5"SD 25.5" - 28.5" LD 28.5" - 31.5"45, 50, 60, 65, 70 lbs6" 7/8"5.42 lbs
Martin ArcheryDSX Series 3133530 3/8"27" - 30" 55, 65, 75 lbs6"4 lbs
Martin ArcheryDSX ProSeries 3134031"U/K55, 65, 75 lbsU/KU/K
Martin ArcheryDSX Series 3333533"27.5" - 30.5" 55, 65, 75 lbs6"4.3 lbs
Martin ArcheryADX 634832"26" - 30.5"55, 65, 75 lbs6"4.55 lbs
Martin ArcheryADX 733828"26" - 30 1/2"65, 75 lbs7"4.29 lbs
Martin ArcheryAxxon 733337"SD 25.5" - 28.5" LD 28.5" - 31.5"50, 55, 60, 65, 70 lbs7 3/8"U/K
Martin ArcheryNXT 4032839.5"SD 26" - 29" LD 29" -32"50, 55, 60, 65, 70 lbs7"3.93 lbs
Martin ArcheryNXT 832239 3/4"27" - 30" 30" - 33"55, 60, 65, 70 lbs8"3.93 lbs
Martin ArcheryANAX 3D32835"SD 25" - 28" LD 28" - 31"50, 55, 60, 65, 70 lbs7"U/K
Martin ArcheryANAX 3D LTE32835"SD 25" - 28" LD 28" - 31"50, 55, 60, 65, 70 lbs7"U/K
Martin ArcheryANAX 3832838"SD 26" - 29" LD 29" - 32"50, 55, 60, 65, 70 lbs7"U/K
Martin ArcheryMAXX 3333333 1/2"SD 24" - 27" LD 27" - 30"50, 60, 70 lbs6 9/163.75 lbs
Martin ArcheryREV310 - 32031"20" - 30"Up to 70 lbs7 1/2"3.6 lbs
Martin ArcheryTrident BowfisherU/K31"20" - 30"40 - 50 lbs7 1/4"3.5 lbs
Martin ArcheryTM Hunter 3333333"18" - 30"25 - 70 lbs7"3.6 lbs
BrandModelSpeed FPSAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
MathewsV3X 3333633"27" - 31.5"60, 65, 70, 75 lbs6.5"4.67 lbs
MathewsV3X 2934029"25.5" - 30"60, 65, 70, 75 lbs6"4.47 lbs
MathewsV3 3134231"26" - 30.5"60, 65, 70, 75 lbs6"4.5 lbs
MathewsV3 27342 IBO27"25" - 29.5"60, 65, 70, 75 lbs6"4.29 lbs
MathewsPrima321 @ 27.5"30"21.5" - 27.5"40, 50, 60 lbs5 1/2"3.93 lbs
MathewsAtlas350 @ 34"34 3/4"29.5" - 34"60, 65, 70, 75 lbs7 3/4"4.92 lbs
MathewsTactic33530.5"23" - 30"50, 60, 70 lbs7"4.24"
MathewsStoke31427 1/4"21" - 27"40, 50, 60 lbs 5 5/8"3.78 lbs
MathewsMonster Safari35033"25.5" - 31"70, 85 lbs6"4.8 lbs
MathewsTRX 3433434"23.5" - 30"50, 60, 70 lbs6.5"4.69 lbs
MathewsTRX 38 G23293825" - 31.5"50, 60, 70 lbs7"4.87 lbs
MathewsTRX 363343624" - 30.5"50, 60, 70 lbs6.5"4.66 lbs
MathewsTRX 403254025.5" - 32"50, 60, 70 lbs7"4.93 lbs
MathewsConquest 431040.62524" - 29" 28" - 32"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs7"4.4 lbs
BrandModelSpeed FPS IBOAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Mission ArcheryMXR324 @ 29.5"30"23.5" - 29.5"40 - 70 lbs7"4.02 lbs
Mission ArcherySwitch30531"18" - 30"11 - 70 lbs6 7/8"3.84"
Mission ArcheryHammr30028"17" - 29"16 - 70 lbs6 1/4"3.4 lbs
Mission ArcheryRadikN/A28"17" - 28"10 - 50 lbs6 1/8"3.04 lbs
BrandModelSpeed FPS IBOAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Moxie ArcheryHelo33833 7/16"25" - 30"40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs6 5/8"4 lbs
Moxie ArcheryGunny33030 5/8"25" - 30"40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs7 1/16"4.1 lbs
Moxie ArcheryFearce33035 1/2"26" - 31"30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs7"4.3 lbs
Moxie ArcheryBadger X31838 1/4"25" - 31"40, 50, 60, 70 lbs7 1/4"4.6 lbs
Moxie ArcheryOrigin32537 1/2"26" - 32 1.2"30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs7 3/8"4.3 lbs
Moxie ArcheryValkyrie33532"26 1/2" - 30"30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs7"4 lbs
Moxie ArcheryGitgoU/K33.937523" - 24"30, 40, 50, 60 lbs5 3/4"3.75 lbs
Moxie ArcheryValkyrie XL32631 15/16"27 1/2" - 31"40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs8 1/4"3.8 lbs
Moxie ArcheryOrigin 233137 9/16"25.5" - 32"30, 40, 50, 60, 70 lbs6 3/4"3.9 lbs
BrandModelSpeed FPS ATAAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
MyBoRevolution 34330 -33534"26″-30″ 24.5″-27.25″ 22.5″-25.5″40, 50, 60 lbs6.5"4.6 lbs
MyBoRevolution 37320 -32537"27.25″-31.25″ 25.75″-28.5″ 23.75″-26.75″40, 50, 60 lbs7"4.8 lbs
MyBoRevolution 40310 -31540"28.5″-32.5″ 27″-29.75″ 25″-28″40, 50, 60 lbs7.5"5 lbs
MyBoOrigin31835"27″ – 31″ 24″ – 27″40, 50, 60 lbs7.75" 7.25"4.5 lbs
MyBoEdge31838.5"29″ – 32″ 25″ – 30″40, 50, 60 lbs7.75" 7.25"4.9 lbs
BrandModelSpeed FPS IBOAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Obsession ArcheryDefcon M2 635332"26 1/2" - 30"40, 50, 60, 65, 70 lbs6"4.4 lbs
Obsession ArcheryDefcon M2 734432"27 1/2" - 31"40, 50, 60, 65, 70 lbs7"4.4 lbs
Obsession ArcheryNitro HZ35331"25 1/2" - 29"40, 50, 60, 65, 70 lbs5.75"4.4 lbs
Obsession ArcheryTM 3334833.5"26 1/2" - 30"40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6.5"3.6 lbs
Obsession ArcheryHashtag31032.375"18" - 26.5"15 - 60 lbs6.375"3.6 lbs
Obsession ArcheryHB3334433.25"26" - 30"40, 50, 60, 65, 70 lbs6.5"3.6 lbs
Obsession ArcherySniper SS34830"26.5" - 29.5"60, 65, 70 lbs6"3.9 lbs
Obsession ArcheryHB3334433.125"26.5" - 30"40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6.5"3.8 lbs
BrandModelSpeed FPS IBOAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Prime ArcheryInline 133231"26" - 30.5"40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs7"4.3 lbs
Prime ArcheryInline 333733"26" - 30.5"40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs6.5"4.4 lbs
Prime ArcheryInline 534335"26" - 30.5"40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs6"4.5 lbs
Prime ArcheryNexus 234132"23" - 30"40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs6"4.25 lbs
Prime ArcheryNexus 434534"23.5" - 30.5"40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs6"4.45 lbs
Prime ArcheryNexus 633136"24.5" - 31.5"40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs6.5"4.55 lbs
Prime ArcheryBlack 932539"27.5" - 33"40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs7"4.7 lbs
BrandModelATA / IBO Speed FPSAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
PSE ArcheryEVO XF 30 (E2 / S2)345 - 337 335 - 327 @ 29"29 5/8"27 1/2" - 31 1/2" 25" - 29"60, 70, 80 lbs / 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs6 3/4" 6 1/2"4.3 lbs
PSE ArcheryEVO XF 33 (E2 / S2)340 - 33233"28 1/2" - 32 1/2" 26" - 30"60, 70, 80 lbs / 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs7" 6 3/4"4.5 lbs
PSE ArcheryCarbon Air Stealth Mach 1332-32432 1/8"25" - 30 1/2"50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6 1/8"3.5 lbs
PSE ArcheryNock On Carbon Levitate34832 1/4"27 1/2" - 30 1/2"60, 70, 80 lbs6 "3.6 lbs
PSE ArcheryEvo EVL 32345-341 3225" - 30 1/2"50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6 1/4"4.5 lbs
PSE ArcheryEvo EVL 34 EC33834"26" - 31 1/2"60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6 3/4"4.7 lbs
PSE ArcheryEvo EVL 34 SE34034"24 1/2" - 30"50, 60, 65, 70, 80 lbs6 5/8"4.7 lbs
PSE ArcheryExpedite NXT360 - 35233"24 1/2" - 30"60, 70, 80 lbs5 1/2"4.74 lbs
PSE ArcheryNock On Embark327 - 31931"23 1/2" - 30 1/2"60, 70 lbs7"4.3 lbs
PSE ArcheryDrive NXT330 - 33233"24" - 31"60, 70 lbs7"4.3 lbs
PSE ArcheryBandit NXT307 - 299 @ 26"28"20 1/2" - 26"40, 50 lbs6 1/8"3.7 lbs
PSE ArcheryBrute NXT328 - 320"30 3/4"22 1/2" - 30"55, 70 lbs6 1/2"3.5 lbs
PSE ArcheryStinger Max312 - 30430"21 1/2" - 30"55, 70 lbs7"3.8 lbs
PSE ArcheryUprising310 - 30230"14" - 30"12 - 72 lbs6 5/8"3.2 lbs
PSE ArcheryMini BurnerU/K26"16" - 26 1/2"29, 40 lbs6 5/8"2.5 lbs
PSE ArcheryMicro MidasU/K24"14 1/2" - 24 1/2"8 - 29 lbs6"2.5 lbs
PSE ArcheryCitation SE314 - 30640"28" - 33 1/2"50, 60 lbs7 3/4"5.2 lbs
PSE ArcheryCitation EM330 - 32240"24" - 30"50, 60 lbs7 1/4"5.2 lbs
PSE ArcheryCitation 36 SE329 - 31636"26 1/2" - 32"50, 60 lbs7 1/4"4.9 lbs
PSE ArcheryCitation 36 EM320 - 312 @ 28 1/2"36"26 1/2" - 32"50, 60 lbs6 3/4"4.9 lbs
PSE ArcheryCitation 34 SE330 - 32234"25 1/2" - 31"50, 60 lbs7"4.7 lbs
PSE ArcheryCitation 34 EM318 - 310 @ 2734"21 1/2" - 27 1/2"50, 60 lbs6 1/2"4.6 lbs
PSE ArcherySupra RTX 37 - SE326 - 31837"26 1/2" - 32 "50, 60 lbs7"4.7 lbs
PSE ArcherySupra RTX 37 - EM332 - 322 @ 28 1/2"37"22 1/2" - 28 1/2 "40, 50, 60 lbs6 5/8"4.7 lbs
PSE ArcherySupra Focus RTX 40 - SE320 - 31240"28" - 33 1/2"50, 60 lbs8"5 lbs
PSE ArcherySupra Focus RTX 40 - EM333 - 32540"24" - 30"50, 60 lbs7 1/2"5 lbs
PSE ArcheryLazer323 - 31537"24" - 30 1/2"40, 50, 60 lbs7 1/2"4.5 lbs
PSE ArcheryMudd Dawg - BowfishingU/K32 1/2"up to 30"40 lbs6"3.6 lbs
PSE ArcheryD3 - BowfishingU/K30"up to 30"40 lbs6 5/8"3.2 lbs
PSE ArcheryGuide Youth Compound BowsetN/A25 1/4"16 1/2" - 26"8 - 26 lbs7"U/K
BrandModelSpeed FPS IBOAxle to Axle LengthDraw LengthDraw WeightBrace HeightWeight
Quest BowhuntingCentec 32532"25.5" - 31"40 -55 lbs 55 - 70 lbs6.75"4.4 lbs
Quest BowhuntingCentec NXT270 @ 26" 45 lbs26"19" - 26"15 - 45 lbs6"2.8 lbs

While every effort was made to ensure the new bow comparisons data are accurate, errors may occur. Also some bow manufactures may not list their new models until half way in the year. Please consult with your local archery dealer for new models and specifications.

It is interesting to see that some new 2022 bow models have changed slightly in mass weight, brace height and speed, even if they are labelled as the same model as last year.

A slight increase in speed of target bows is also worth mentioning from previous year model specifications.


For information and specs on long length compounds, click on – Long Axle To Axle Compound Bows 2022 List


Additional Resources.

Long Draw Length Compound Bow Models

Visit – How Often Should You Wax Your Bow String? for more information.

For information on how to find your correct draw length, visit – How To Figure Out Your Draw Length.

Click on – How To Aim A Bow And Arrow for details on different aiming methods.